Cleo's Dating Blog

Posts Tagged ‘blogging

The busy-with-work excuse is the oldest in the book (once you move out of your parents’ house and the curfew excuse no longer applies).

However, in Los Angeles it seems that everyone is “busy.” We all have jobs, projects, and events. Every week there is a birthday party, premiere, or drinks with friends. When is there time for love?

The secret, behind the “I’m too busy at work” excuse, is the founding principle that we are all capable of making time when we really want to. Those of us that ignore what we really want and do not make time are royally missing out.

Thus, when someone says, “I am so busy with work right now,” in essence they are saying, “I am busy BUT I am also not sure if you are important enough for me to rearrange my schedule,” OR “I am busy BUT I am also playing hard to get to see if you are really interested in me.” For example, just because gluten-free bread is better for you and comes in cinnamon-raisin flavor does not mean you will instantly be convinced to switch out your wheat loaf! People need added motivation when life is so hustle and bustle.

In the world of dating, therein lies the importance of a great first impression. We all do not have enough time to determine interest in another person after five or six dates. Usually all we get is one or two, if we are lucky. However sometimes a great first impression is not enough. Suitable matches can still be overlooked or missed.

I feel blessed to meet a lot of great guys, often. Yet, a challenge to living in LA is the high number of options. You may workout, have a good sense of humor, and like to party, but so do a majority of people living in this city. What is it that makes you and I a better match?

At the beginning, no one knows the answer to this question. All we have is our instinct to guide us. If someone is using the “busy with work” excuse on you, forcing it and blowing up their phone is not going to work! Find a different approach or try having some patience. Things that progress slowly always end up a little better anyway. Instead of rushing that first kiss and half bumping your forehead into her cheek, just wait until the time is right.

I am definitely one of those busy people that makes time for what I want. I like my projects, friends, and spending time with myself. I also want to get to know new people but not to the point of flipping my life upside down or adding extra stress to my routine… until the time comes that I deem you exceptional and worthy!

One of my projects is my LA based mobile app prototype called cLeoGo. She is a social, location-based mobile website that connects venues to users in real-time (use internet explorer on your smartphone). Your social life radar for which bars, restaurants, and cafes are hottest right now. Check her out! This is not a review site and should be only used while you are out. Signing up is free and easy.

I am also running a contest for the month of October where the #1 cLeoGo user and #1 person to refer new users will receive a free, professional car service for 5 hours on Halloween night or any night the following weekend. Treat yourself and up to 3 friends to a VIP evening of spook and spunk.


Welcome to Fall, fall sweaters, falling in love, and falling for cLeoGo.



If I had a reality show, we could all watch the clip from a few nights ago of that-guy-at-the-bar-that-was-trying-too-hard… even the valet people outside felt sorry for him.

For as long as I can remember, I have had a thing for bartenders. I’m not even sure why, but my friends could vouch that this is in fact, true. Therefore, if I have the opportunity to eat dinner at a restaurant’s bar as a hot man leans over me to set down my utensils and take my order, I jump on it. It’s much easier to flirt when bartender-man is stuck behind a counter and I can “accidentally” stare at him all night.

This week, my girlfriend and I go to a new place for dinner and there are two lovey bar stools available, as if my Libra stars aligned and reserved them for us. I asked the man to the left if the seat was taken, because I wanted to be polite.

“Yes,” he said. “I was saving it for you.”

Eeerk. Stop there. Now if Ryan Gosling or his look-a-like said this, then no problem! Sign me up for this chair next to you. However,  that was not at all the case and instead sleep-deprived, lanky, overly-eager man who was probably a mathlete in high school made googly eyes at me and I felt dirty.

Thus, I sat my body as far right on my chair as possible to create the greatest amount of distance between us and slightly turned my back to him.

“Are you an actress?” I hear coming from my left. My mind literally debates if the restaurant is loud enough to where I could pretend I did not hear him. Unfortunately, it is not.

“No.” I wanted to stop at that but felt bad and added, “why did you think that?” and a half smile.

He goes on to explain that I give off an actress vibe because I am proper and sit up straight. I say, “Hmmm, that’s interesting,” and I tell him that I am a writer. However, what I am actually thinking is, I wonder if he can tell that I’m praying he stops talking. I turn away as soon as there is a lull, pretending I am thirsty.

conversation diversion

Saved to breathe another moment of silence. Until…

“So what name can I look for online when you become famous?”

I now have to turn a complete 180 to face him, since I was leaning as far away as physically feasible. I strain my neck and tell him how I go by Cleo online (holla!).

Long story short, I avoid further conversation and could not help but wonder how nice to would be if his friend next to him had the balls to say, “hey man, you’re wasting your time. She’s not interested.”

Too often friends stay quiet when they should take a stand and speak out! If your boy is making a fool of himself, save him. Wouldn’t you want someone to do the same for you?

I know I definitely appreciate when my girlfriends warn me when I’m being too flirtatious! Sometimes in a social setting with a little liquid courage, the line between being playful and embarrassing can be a little blurry, at least for me.

There is a site floating around online called Comiingle, where you can help your friends with dating. This is the new way to approach dating online… kind of how unfriending someone on Facebook is the new way to stop dating someone without saying anything.

Comiingle is good because users can get a third, fourth, eighth, or twentieth opinion before having to go on that awkward blind date, meet that girl that used a picture from 10 years ago, or that guy that lied about his profession and income. Friends can also steer you clear of hazardous suitors.

Additionally, Comiingle gives you access to wing-men and wing-women! Despite my misfortune with bar stool neighbor, I was lucky that my girlfriend broke the ice with bartender-man and asked him his birthday so that we could figure out his zodiac sign (Cancer, btw). I was actually not going to spark conversation because I did not feel it was organic at the time and would have been forced. Thank goodness god invented wing-people to give us a shove in the right direction when we feel frozen.

Be a good friend and help your friends out with their dating woes when necessary, even when not asked. And use your resources! That is why Cleo, Comiingle, and all the other dating tools exist. We are here to help.

Mucho amor,


Want to see some naked pictures??

There is a reason why Kim Kardassian made a sex tape and why the Jersey Shore cast are rich and famous. Quality is not what rules media, sex and drama sell, and just because you have something great to say doesn’t mean people will choose that over this week’s TMZ.

It has taken me a decent amount of time to build up my medium-sized, quality-driven following. So you can imagine my secret frustration when my never-would-have-thought-about-blogging-if-it-wasn’t-for-me ex started a blog… and got more viewers his first week than I did in my first year!

I know my blog has great writing, complex ideas wrapped in shiny bows, and the charming likes of myself. However, he got it right in putting shirtless photos of himself! (And let’s be honest, I dated him for a reason).

Which brings me to my next point, if you clicked on this post when you normally don’t bother reading my blog, think about what that may imply about you. But hey! No judgement, I read crap online for fun too. I just thought you should know.

Anyway, you can make it up to me by watching my new video. Maybe I’m naked in it!

(Huge thank you to Zach Pizza and The Way Home podcast).

I may be bitter but I still love you,


Much of my writing this year has been an experiment, a personal test of my writing abilities, creativity, and ideas. My first post ever over 9 months ago, entitled Los Angeles Men, was one of my most nerve-racking experiences. I had no idea how my peers would respond and if I had any type of potential to truly help, inspire, support, and relate to others. Although I am behind this virtual screen called WordPress, I still feel very much exposed with each post. Why? Because I put my heart, soul, and mind into everything I write. I was recently asked whether or not this blog is real- is it fiction or nonfiction? It is definitely nonfiction. I believe in everything I write and all my thoughts are based on real life experiences and conversations. Thus I can not begin to express my elation toward all my loyal followers. I love you all soooo much!! It means the world to me that you take the time to read what I have to say. However, I honestly believe that if you follow my advice and cater it to your own unique personality, you will, without a doubt, find success in dating, in being single, and being in a relationship.

I know what has proven to work for me, yet I am not a genius and I do not claim to know everything there is to know about dating. Thus, I would like to request a call to action from all of my readers… comment! I need your comments and other readers need your comments. We are a team in this journey of love and loneliness and a successful team must communicate. Wow… am I being too cheesy??? The marshmallow in me is coming out again!

Basically, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading and encourage you to share your thoughts with me. I am excited for the new year and everything we will learn together!!

Yours Truly,

Cleo, the Conquistadora of Love